Well ... his BABY BROTHER is here!!! :)
(Idk why those dang black lines are on there?!)
He is adorable ... that is a cute little collage his aunt Steph made from the day he was born.
PS. How good does my BFF Chrissy look in that pic? Eye makeup done and all! Ha! She's a trooper! <3
Carson Alexander :)
Is that the sweetest face you have ever seen in your life or what?
I am obsessed. Purely obsessed. Love him so much.
Last weekend we had a busy weekend ...
On Friday night we attended the Art of Making Miracles Charity Event for the Makenna Foundation in the RE/MAX parking lot ... this was the 12th year and it was awesome!
KY Wildcat Theme this year!
Chris and I came home with some goodies ...
One of which being this... that I won for Chris for his bday :)
Thats right ... an autographed pic of Anthony Davis, #1 NBA draft pick and 2012 National Defensive Player of the year candidate ... not to mention a UK Wildcat legend! Ha! It was our trophy piece of the night ;)
Chris was VERY excited!
It was an awesome night raising money for a great cause!!
In case you're wondering where the picture is now .. Ohhhh in my hallway, where a really cute mirror WAS hanging ha ... pick your battles ;) that is what I am telling myself LOL
The next morning, Chris, myself, my brother and my dad left out early to head to Ashville, NC to my cousins wedding at the Biltmore House.
We had sooo much fun!!
Her wedding was beautiful! She looked beautiful! It was perfect.
How pretty were her flowers on the tables?
For favors they gave little personalized jars of honey ... it was adorable!
Jessica & Me :)
Chris & I <3
(Dress is from Bella Rose in Lexington)
My other Chris ... my brother... ha :)
The next day while we were there we went to the Biltmore and toured it ... it was AMAZING!!
If you have never been I would highly suggest going ... it was so neat! Ashville is the cutest little place and the mountains were beautiful!
Here are a few pics from the day ...
So insane. Loved this place!
The flower garden behind the Biltmore
My dad, me and my bro.
I have a million pics ... but didn't have time to upload them all!
We had a blast!
We also visited Bravard College in NC, which is where Chris went to school ... it was fun to see! :)
Next ....
I didn't get to give a shout out on Grandparent's Day ... ;(
But we had a great time celebrating with Chris's parents and the kids ...
I ended the night talking to my Papaw on the phone ... and watching Frankie sleep like a spoiled baby ha!
Ok that is about all the major stuff over the last two weeks!
This week I am working on our wedding website and app! Anyone have any tips? Would love to hear them!