Church on Sunday was awesome ...
I typically don't share a lot of church posts even though it is my belief and church is very close to my heart, I just have always steered away from them. However, yesterday totally hit home to me and so I thought it might be nice to share ... in my own words :)
We learned about Martha and her life in the Bible.
She was a little OCD, (don't judge her ha!) always doing something, never sitting still, had to be on the go go go alll the time, preparing for everyone else and their needs.
She was cooking, cleaning, doing this, doing that, while Jesus and her sister, Mary, just relaxed on the couch and didn't have a worry or a care in the world. Martha was resentful to them, because while she was slaving away in the kitchen, they were always just cool, calm and collect, not really even asking if she needed help!

Martha on the left, probably scrubbing that big pot ha Jesus & Mary on the right just hanging out :)
If you are like me, and you were in Martha's shoes, you would be like "excuse me, get your butts in here and help me, I'm running crazy!" ... and, well, that's pretty much what Martha did. She confronted Jesus asking him why Mary did not have to do the things she was doing, and why was it fair? She needed to come and help!
Luke 10:39-40
Do you know what Jesus replied to her?
"Dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these DETAILS! There is only one thing worth being concerned about, and Mary has found it. And it will not be taken away from her."
Luke 10: 41-42
This is the story of my life ha!
I am ALWAYS consumed with all these silly details!
I never slow down...
and like Martha, might have a tad OCD ;) Just ask Chris .. and it's especially bad when we are getting ready to have a party or have people over, it kicks into high gear and I am a raging lunatic to put it nicely ha (but a nice raging lunatic, not like a total pyscho!)
Our pastor gave 3 ways to change and better deal with feeling like this all the time, feeling like your life is always pushing the boundaries and you're never slowing down.
It is NOVEMBER ... does anyone else besides me feel like we just had Christmas?
I have no clue where this year has gone, and it is time for me to place some boundaries and enjoy my life!
AMEN? Amen. Ha. ;)
1. Remember our days are numbered by God
Job 14:5
I know people don't like to talk about it, and I am one of these people ... but everyone will die. So we need to live life how we really should be living it.
#YOLO ... You Only Live Once!
That is my new motto! :)
2. Prioritize Your Time Knowing Your Days are Numbered
When you schedule something on your calendar, no matter what it is, think "Is this the wise thing to do with this time" ... we tend to do the URGENT things before the IMPORTANT things ... at least I know I do that all the time! Thing about what is important to you, and your schedule should reflect that. :)
3. Make Time Alone w/ God a Priority
And pray the prayer of Psalm 90:12
"Heavenly Father, teach me to number my days that I may grow in wisdom."
That is what is on my home screen on my phone now.
I want this to be what I wake up to in the mornings now, not my facebook newsfeed, emails buzzing, text messages and the weather for the day, lol ... which is usually what my morning consists of the second I open my eyes.
I hope this hit home with at least one other crazy busy nonstop person besides myself :)

And ...

You can watch a video of the sermon on Sunday at
they usually post them on Thursdays I think after that weekend so it will be towards the end of the week, but worth watching! He did a great job!
Happy Tuesday!
Oh, and GO VOTE ...
I won't say who I'm voting for.....
but it's sure not Obama!
(Thanks Raven, I couldn't wait to use that ha!)
And if you for some reason still aren't sure who to vote for ... take a quick read to one of my friend's Facebook status last night... she hit the nail on the head! Go Whit!! Preach it sister! ;)
And if you for some reason still aren't sure who to vote for ... take a quick read to one of my friend's Facebook status last night... she hit the nail on the head! Go Whit!! Preach it sister! ;)
Sorry it's blurry, I don't know what happened? :(