No not me silly! haha
But I thought that was a good blog post title to get your attention ;)
Man this weekend has flown by!
I had a million things going on, and lots of things to share about :)
First and most importantly...I have blogged about my friend Kelly before... I think the last one was actually her so cute prego pictures done by the fabulous Alicia :)
Well you may notice on her belly in the pic on the right, due date is Dec 29th ... no sir, that little baby was ready to come out YESTERDAY!!
Baby Mack entered the world at 11:06am weighing 5lbs 12 oz :)
Congrats Kelly & Garrett!!
His cute little stocking on the hospital nursery window!
After he got all cleaned up :) So cute! Look at all that hair!!
I can't wait to hold him! More pics to come I'm sure haha
Next on the agenda... I found Frankie's twin brother on Pinterest ... and in reindeer attire no less ...
How CUTE is that??
Too bad my photo of Frankie isn't quite as professional and nice as his twin's haha
That's a cute idea for next year's Christmas card though!
Last night was my RE/MAX office Christmas Party!
Chris & I
I didn't get very good pics :(
But I did get my fave make up girl at MAC to put eyelashes on for me :)
gross pic, but look at those falsies ha!
Ok lastly...
If you know me, you know I have been SERIOUSLY contemplating getting a tattoo on my wrist for a while now. I think they are cute! And I also think it's a great place on my body to get this particular one for two reasons:
Reason #1- I will be able to see it daily and it will be a great reminder for me
Reason #2- With all the arm candy I usually am dressed in, if I ever have the desire to hide it, I can do so super easily with a bracelet or something :) See below pic for previous arm candy post!
So while thinking about this over the last two months I have gotten several "signs" if you will, that I should go for it. I won't bore you with those, but they were definitely signs ha.
I stumbled across some interesting tattoo related things on Pinterest...
White tattoos? Hmm.. that's different!
A bracelet tattoo... ok that's pretty cute!
Now I hope you can read this because this is funny....
That'll make ya think about whether or not you should get a tattoo right?
If I follow this chart, then I should get the tat ... ;)
Very logical. Ha.
What I want to get, because I know you're wondering and I've held the suspense, is a little saying that means a lot to me...
"It is well with my soul"
If you grew up in church, you may be familiar with the hymn that these words come from.
Well that song was my grandmother's very favorite... I can hear her singing it in my head (a familiar sound that I hope doesn't go away with age)... I love the words to the song...
If you aren't familiar, here are the lyrics...and a YouTube video by one of my favorite Christian groups, Hillsong United!
**Pause my Christmas Playlist at the bottom of the page before you watch!!**
I love it. I get chills every time I hear it. At church I usually get teary eyed, people are probably like what is going on with this girl? It was played at my grandmother's funeral, and since then, I am loose cannon when it comes on LOL not a joke.
So I think getting these simples words on my wrist will not only remind me of her when I look down at it, but also remind me that no matter what happens in life, stressful times, emotional struggles, happy or not so happy times, sad or mourning, sick or healthy, excited or thankful...
it is well with my soul because someone bigger than me has it under control. :)
These fonts below I saw on Pinterest and I think I am leaning towards "Feel Script"...
It's readable, but beautiful too :)
Soooo... what do you think?? Anybody have one on their wrist now that they regret? Actually don't tell me! Ha! I don't want to know! I think I have made up my mind :)
Hope you had a great weekend!