Nothing gets you in the Christmas spirit more than a Christmas BLOG GIFT EXCHANGE!
I mentioned before that Raven and her BFF Leslie came up with a great idea to do a gift swap between some blogging ladies and then have everyone blog about it today! I was lucky to get paired up with the oh so sweet Rachel over at In My life I Love You More!
First of all, my gift arrived in a big box with a cute address label and everything!
How cute is this card...?
Girl has got some major skills!
I want to know what pen that is and how to make those snowflakes?? LOL Adorable!!!!
The box had TWO gifts inside.. that's right... two ?!?
A super cute box with a beautiful ornament tied on...
Look who else got a present? Soooooo sweet of her to think of my baby ha!
He was SO excited to get a prize :)
He opened his first... and look what he got... :)
Precious.Adorable.Love It! ;) So sweet!
Then onto moi... PUMPED about my gift... she must know me well to know I have a mild obsession with these...
(excuse the crazy hair, had been laying on the couch and this was taken by a 9 yr old lol!)
A MAC special of not one, but FOUR lip glasses in a cute little ornament ball!
They are so pretty!
How great are those?
Love them!
Thank you so much sweet Rachel! I am so glad we got paired together and you were just so thoughtful with your gifts! I appreciate it so much! I hope you enjoyed your gifts too :)
To read her blog post about the swap today go visit her here and don't forget to follow her blog too!
She has some great ideas and her blog is super cute!
Now just a little Pinterest for today... :)
I love this for a party or get together... small shots of Taco Dip! Great idea!
Seven layer dip shots -- great for a party so people don't have to be crowded around a big bowl of dip. Layers: 1. Refried Beans 2. Sour Cream 3. Guacamole 4. Pico De Gallo 5. Queso Dip 6. Cheese 7. Green Onion
Two kitchens I am highly obsessed with...
Love that island!
Has anyone tried this magnetic spray paint??
Think I may try this week..
Love this dress for a holiday party...
Are you dying over that fur Chanel scarf? Ahhh!
Love these bracelets!!!
I am doing this for Christmas... already got the supplies ha! Chocolate and Sprinkles dipped glasses to drink milk out of! Love this! Great for a birthday party too!
Wish my bottle of Vaseline looked like this haha love the bling... Here are some great things to use it for if you don't know these...
- It makes your eyelashes grow: Lather Vaseline all over your eyelashes overnight and watch them thicken, even without a prescription!
-To Soften dry and cracked elbows.
-Dry cuticles: Store a mini-Vaseline container in your purse and utilize for emergency dry cuticle moments.
- It is a misconception that Vaseline clogs pores, so smear it all over your face, neck and arms for softer skin.
- It eases eyebrow plucking: Tame your eyebrows and lube up the under-skin so you can pluck with ease.
- To make your accessories look brand spankin’ new: New job interview? Scuff the crap-ol-la out of your patent leather heals thanks to pitcher night? Put a small dab on your shoes and shine away!
- It’s your new exfoliating body wash: Mix with sea salt and come out of the shower feeling soft. And sexy. Can be used to smooth and soothe skin after shaving.
- Bonus - For Halloween - Once you carve your Halloween pumpkin, rub Vaseline on the exposed edges. it keeps it from rotting or going dry.
Now some inspirational words for all of us...
I have to admit I have moments like this. Ha, don't quite say it like this, but think it often LOL it comes with this business I think ;)
Mac n Cheese isn't a vegetable?? LOL
and Bless Your Heart is my favorite saying...just sayin.
Love this.
Sorry for the long post but this was a special Monday!
Hope all you other gift swappers were as pleased as I was :) Can't wait to go read all of them!