Did you think I had just given up on blogging all together?
Of course not! :) I have just had some distractions lately!
Craziness is the only word to describe how my life has been these last few weeks!
So lets just go straight to the most important thing I've got going on right now...
Raise your hand if you have jumped on this bandwagon ?!?
Holy heck I can not stop reading! I am only on the first book... got it on my Kindle because literally every person I know is currently reading, has read, or is dying to read these books... so I felt like I was missing something!
Once I started.. I was sucked in and now I can't stop reading!
Just for fun ... and in case you haven't bought this book yet and need a reason to, lol, take a gander at some of my Fbook comments about it ... :)
Hahaha obviously you can tell with 22 "Likes" in a matter of minutes, that I am not the only one obsessed! Makes me feel better about myself ;)
Yes, it is a little soft core porn-ish in my opinion. Yes, a couple of times I was reading I felt like I should be reading on a bench in an XXX rated store ha. But it's still good. You can't help but keep reading.
If you haven't seen these on Pinterest yet ... I will share :)
Thanks Tommie haha loved it!! :)
And my personal favorite ...
Hahaha that's pretty funny.
Lastly on my 50 Shades rant ... I went googling and just might have found a picture of Mr.Grey himself...
(well the guys who is chosen to play him in the possible upcoming movie ... warning.. this could all be rumor-mill ha! But if so, you can still use him to have a mental picture in your head while reading the books!) ...
Ian Somerhalder .... I die over him!
(Emily Foushee Jenkins, this is for you hahaha! <3)
Not really what I pictured him to look like while reading the book .... BUT he's pretty freaking hot, so it works ha.
Moral of the story ... if you've not starting reading these books then you must. Stat!
If you have ... don't dare tell me anything about the second or third ones!
I'm saving them for our vaca in a couple of weeks :)