I am SOO excited to be typing right now, you have no idea how much I have missed blogging!
Two MONTHS! :( So sad.
I realized I needed to get back to blogging when random people have started emailing me with emails like "Are you still alive?" ... "Are you ok?" ... "Did something happen?" hahaaha so sweet ... thank you for the concerns ... everywhere I go people have said they have missed the bloggy and it made me so sad, but I honestly have been so busy with so many things (we will get to that later ha!) .. and I kind of needed a privacy break for a minute too ... you know sometimes you just feel like you want to keep some things private and enjoy them for a minute? Well that's how I felt. Ha.
OK so many things have happened in the past 2 months I need to share....but first the BIG news ... for those of you who are very keen you might have noticed something new with the blog ;)
Yes the page is wider (thank you PLL), yes I have a Pinterest button now (needed that for a long time, thank you again PLL ha!) .. but my Dana girl has a new accessory ... on her left ring finger ... :) check her out!!
On July 4th while in Florida I said YES when this sweet man popped the question! :)
It was so sweet and perfect! I was totally shocked!
He did a good job of keeping it a secret lol only like two people knew, one being my dad and he never let on at ALL like he was keeping a secret!!
My ring literally could not be more perfect or beautiful. It is exactly what I wanted, he did such a good job! :)
Sooo pretty :) In love with it! Literally couldn't stop staring at it for like a week straight ha.
We spent the next few days in Florida with my brother and his girlfriend and my dad... it was a blast!
As soon as we got home we told the kids, and they were just as excited as I knew they would be!
They literally were screaming and jumping up and down haha it was so cute!
I knew immediately that we wanted to make them feel like they are a very special part of the day... so thanks to Pinterest I got the cute idea to make them these ...
How cute?
I was so excited to give them to them ha and they were just as excited to get them! :)
Next ...
I was off to buy magazines faster than you would believe!
Then I ordered these super cute Thank You cards from Etsy to start sending to all the sweet friends who sent us stuff :)
Find the cards on Etsy here
And then next on the agenda was to ask my Matron of Honor ... which was never a question (even though I love all my friends equally of course ha!) .. but Chrissy has been my best friend since 5th grade. We lived together during college, have always been there for each other, her son is my Godson, Connor (who I've only probably posted a million pictures of ha) ... so of course she will be the one to stand next to me on our special day <3
How cute is that?
I made this for her ... even found a picture from the 8th grade and all ha! :)
So excited!!
So far the wedding stuff has been going great!
I have an amazing wedding planner, Ginny, who is so wonderful, she thinks of things before I do and is just so good to work with. As busy as I am, I have really been thankful to have her! She was a gift actually from a very close friend, and I am so blessed to have her know me so well to know I am way too busy to have to keep up with all the wedding stuff on my own!
(If you are in Lexington and looking for the best wedding planner, message me and I will send you her info! You will love her I promise!)
We have booked a venue, a gorgeous farm in Versailles and I can not wait!
Booked the photographer ... none other than the amazing Alicia with Aesthetiica Photography and I am SOOO excited to get to work with her! Love her!! XO
Stuart and the boys at House will be doing our flowers ... duh, he's the best! ;)
I will be doing more updating and info on the wedding (which by the way is next JUNE!!) but you can also follow my wedding board on Pinterest where I have a million ideas pinned for a rustic, shabby chic outdoor wedding ;) So exciting!
Ok, let's see ... some other fun things that have happened in the last two months I have been MIA ....
We did some fun Summer activities before school started back :)
Like this one where we put tape on a canvas in their initials, and then I let them paint all over them, then peeled off the tape to reveal a beautiful picture :) lol it was fun... as you can see Frankie was of course up in the mix the entire time!
Speaking of that sweet angel ... he had a birthday in July!
Frankie turned 4 :)
He wanted nothing to do with the fire on the candle and that is as close as he would get to it for a picture ha!
Also I am a horrible mom and let his birthday cookie melt in the car while I was in the mall :( lol
Checking out all his new toys :)
(Yes I am crazy, yes I buy him a million new toys for his bday, he probably has more toys than most children, its sad ha!)
The girls played dress up with Frankie for his birthday ... can't you tell he enjoyed it? lol
Especially the sunglasses!
Let's see ... what else did we do before school ...
we went to the Lego store in Cinci one day ... Jake was in there for like two hours ha it was so funny
We went to Kings Island one day ... they were wild!
We had crazy nail day ... and got manicures :)
Chris and I have visited our wedding venue a few times ... love it out there!
I have been crazy busy selling houses here in the Bluegrass region :)
Congratulations to these sweet people ...
Congratulations to the Monarchs ... they were so wonderful! They bought a new J.Moore Home and it was absolutely beautiful! Can't you tell just by the little pic of the kitchen? Ha! Thanks to them, and their Realtor who were all so great to work with!
Also Congratulations to the Kunish family!!
They are from New Mexico, were referred to me to buy a home here in Lexington, and they were the best! So happy for them and know they will love it here in Lex! They also built a brand new home that turned out so nice! Could not have worked with a sweeter family than this one! :)
I have been to/hosted so many parties in the last two months you would die ha!
So I am going to do a separate post tomorrow on some fun party ideas and have lots of pictures!!
But until then I will leave you with a few of my new favorite E-cards on this Monday :) ...
I try to stay away from political things on here but this is too darn funny haha! sorrry :(
Love this!
Story of my life hahaha
I died when I read this, I want to frame it, I literally hate Crocs but suck it up because the kids like them at the beach and pool ha.
Ha that is just funny
LOL poor Chris ... this is us every time we eat out ha!
This was my weekend ... lol ... as soon as I cleaned something up more stuff was right back out, gotta love it ;)
My favorite haha that is so true!
What would I do without the calculator on my phone? lol
hahahahahaha this made my eyes water when I read it! If you know me, you know why haha!
Lastly, how could you not love that? hahaha
Well I am sorry for the long post but SOOOO happy to be back!!!
If you want to do a guest post for me next week on what your favorite thing about your wedding was, and share a few pics, please email me!!! I thought it would be fun since I am all in the wedding zone! :)
@ShastaAnne I really want you to little lady! Ha! I think I have seen one of your beautiful wedding pics before!!
Missed Ya'll!!