3 days in a row of new blog posts ...? Yes that's correct ... I am totally back on track :)
First things first ...
If you have NOT watched Pretty Little Liars from last night
I don't want to spoil it for anyone haha!
I am still in shock!
Are you kidding me? Whoa! Never saw that one coming! I am still telling myself someone made Toby put that black hoodie on at the end. Surely he can't be A .. surely he didn't take Spencer's V-card and then be a psycho path A!? I knew Nate was a crazy the whole time ... called it from the get-go. But Toby? No way. He was one of my favorites! :( So sad.
I feel so betrAyed ... hahaahha
sorry couldn't help myself lol
Ok let's do a little wedding update ...
Last night we had a tasting at our caterer for the wedding and let me tell you what, I almost had to have Chris pull over on the way home so I could vom on the side of the road because I ate SOO much! The food was amazzzing! It was everything we wanted and I was so excited. We got to taste every single thing! :)
From the best southern sides you've ever tasted like sweet potato casserole with marshmellows on it, to green beans and mac n cheese ... to country ham biscuits, chicken, three salads, 4 cheese dips and veggies, ... I mean literally it was way more than I expected! We were blown away. I can not wait for everyone to get to eat all the yummies at the wedding!! :) No one will go home hungry that is for sure.
That was my biggest fear about the food .. I have been to many a weddings where Chris and I have left at midnight and driven through the good ol' White Castle because we were starving ha. I do not want ANYONE driving through Whitey's after our wedding ;) Everyone will be full and stuffed ha.
The best part of the tasting ... we got to take the left overs home ... take a peak at this ...
Yea .. ha .. that is in my fridge right now!
So much for the diet this week. It was long gone yesterday!!
Next on the wedding train ...
How do you feel about "RESTROOM TRAILORS?"
The beautiful farm we are having our wedding and reception at does not have bathrooms. GASP! I know.
However, I have found little things called restroom trailers .. and they seem to be nicer than my own bathrooms at home ha.
Check out these bad boys from PortaKleen
Don't they look nice??
I feel like they will be ok .. they use them at Derby parties for pete sake.
How do yall feel about them? Be Honest.
Oh and let me mention they are air conditioned! Which makes a huge difference. I do not like to be hot in a small area while trying to pee lol
Ok, who else knew about Very Jane and didn't share?

over at Keep up with Kristin blogged about this website and I am so glad I saw it!