Hope your day was filled with green and BLUE haha, I loved that everywhere I went today people were decked out in their lucky green, while adding a touch of Kentucky Wildcat BLUE to support our CATS! GO BIG BLUE!
I started the day by getting up early to make sure the girls had their green outfits all together for school and then I made green pancakes with green sprinkles for breakfast LOL they look like vom I know, But...
the kids said they were "almost" as good as Mimi's (Chris's mom) so I will take that as a major compliment,

Deciding what to wear was a toughy because of green but needing to wear something for my CATS, so I found this tshirt at the mall and thought it was perfect!
I then got my son dressed in his green, he had a spa day and went to get his hair did and a bath today! (this picture was taken before that when he was still a little greasy, so he was being camera shy!)
Then I gathered all his "green toys" for him to play with today .... (He knows its St. Patricks Day in case you were wondering, yes he is a genius)
Went to Harry's and watched the first half of the game ... thank goodness we pulled it through... sheesh! With that said, I have completed a bracket for the office, all on my own, no help from Chris whate-so-ever, and I am kinda proud of it (being a little optimistic on it but hey thats ok lol)
Well there it is, my bracket. I can't wait to highlight my winning teams (yes I have OCD) and see how far I can get... with the way we played today it's going to be a long road, haha! Chris almost had a heart attack, he jumped up and hit the edge of the bed with his hand in excitement when B.Knight made that last shot, in doing so almost gave moi a heart attack of my own!
I'm sure I will be updating everyone on my bracket, I'll post a cute pic of Frankie after his new hair-do ... and leave you with this, which I read and loved...