It's Spring.... and boy am I oh-so ready for the warm weather! (not the allergies and headache I had the past two days however) This warmness is getting me excited about so many things: people are out buying houses (yayyy! two offers this week so far), I can clean out my car and not get frost bite, go for walks (I wore work out clothes two days this week and did not work out one single bit, story of my life), Frankie can play outside with his friends... Frankie & Lucy-Belle hanging out at the park
Frankie & his cousin (mom's dog) Barlcay enjoying a ride with the windows down :) and... Easter, my fave holiday, is right around the corner...however this has brought a few negatives into my life:
I have eaten one of these every night before bed ugh take.them.away.please (no not really babe if you're reading this ha) I got these ridiculously good cookies for the kids (and bc they have a theme and I love themes lol) and can crush 4-5 in one sitting... not good people! HOWEVER - Spring is exciting because it is time to clean out the old and get some new things!! These are things I am lusting over right now that are def my Spring Must Have's!!! LOVE this Lily dress in white, must have, so cute....
This Lily Dress is so cute too... obsessed... I die (when does Rachel Zoe come back on? love her!)
And both of these Lily's too.... in two colors haha love how simple they are and comfy looking!
Since my mom stole my black Tory Burch's haha she will need to be getting me a new pair, and I am thinking I want tan and gold :) Thanks Lynda.
Since everyone has been talking about these dang Clarisonics and how great their skin is looking thanks to this thing, I guess I will have to fork up the $149 and see what all the hype is about lol and I like this limited edition cute printed one too! This body? Um yes please! haha. That is unrealistic I realize, so I will just take all 3 of these swimsuits from Vicki's for vaca and the pool this summer! In attempt to getting "summer swim suit ready" I REALLY need to invest back into the only workout that I have ever enjoyed and get my butt back to.... It is really the only workout that I could see fast results from, and I am a lover of instant gratification.
Along with my wants, our patio is also is some need of new cushions and pillows... I love ALL of these from
Ballards so that will be a tough decision to make.... ;)
Don't even begin to think I forgot my sweet angel... Frankie needs new Spring attire as well and these are the colors he will be getting :)
Hahaha how cute are those? He already has a green & blue but they are looking a little worn.
I think that's it for now :) However I did see this picture today and laughed outloud to myself and thought I would share if you haven't already seen it... Happy Wednesday!
PinkLouLou for the shout out today, look at my I am so super excited!