Showing houses in 103 degree temps ... not so fun ha ... but I am thankful to be busy so no complaining from me :) I got 3 referrals this week and am so thankful to be blessed with the business I have!
This will be a bit of randomness ... hence the Thursday Randoms title ha.
I just read THIS POST from my girl PinkLouLou ... if you just read over that and didn't click ... please do.
It will touch your heart!
(If it doesn't, you shouldn't be reading my blog, or hers, because you wouldn't be human ha!)
No but really, I wanted to link up so we can all spread the word and lift up Juliana in our prayers!
When I read her comments, I literally was crying and had goosebumps at the same time ... those of us who have good health are so blessed and it's so hard to remember that sometimes when we think we are having a bad day, but if you don't have your health, you have nothing!
Even if you are no prayer warrior, you can say a quick prayer for her strength and patience, and her family who worries about her, for her son, for her doctors to help heal her and for their knowledge towards her disease, and just for her to have God's peace no matter what is happening with her day to day! She deserves all the prayers we can say for her!!
Thanks PLL for sharing :) XO!
Visit Juliana's blog here ...

***While you are lifting Juliana up in your prayers, please also say another for my Aunt Cathy, she had ovarian cancer about a year ago and they got rid of it and she was healthy for almost a year, and now her numbers are high again and she is doing chemo and back to fighting this horrible cancer. She is incredibly strong, hardworking, and such a fighter, but I would still appreciate your prayers for her please!! <3 ***
Ok switching gears ... I have not done a TV show post in a while so really quickly here are my two cents on all my favorites .. :) Agree or disagree? Leave me your feedback ha!
My fave! Love Emily Maynard! She is adorable.
I mean how pretty is she?
Love her hair in that pic!
OK ... so my pick from the very first show has been Arie ... I love him. He is so sweet!
(And pretty darn cute too!)
Don't you feel like they have the most passionate kisses you have ever seen in your life?
Or is that just me watching this after reading 50 Shades of Grey? Hahahaha!
I'm sure he is the winner.
I refuse to google any spoilers ... so this is totally my gut feeling ha. But every season I am usually right so I feel pretty good about this! I hope she chooses him, I think he would be so sweet to her and Ricky.
Who is your pick???
Next ...
Real Housewives of OC
(PS. I am boycotting New York this season ... they all literally drive me insane, so this is the first time I am not watching! And I am not regretting it so far ha!)
OK ... How does everyone feel about Brooks ??
She seems to be really obsessed with him... but IMO he seems sweet to her ... so who am I to judge? Ha.
BUT if he really is driving her car around and has no job, then he probably needs to step it up a little...
The fact that he did this for all of the world to see really freaked me out ...
That is scary. Period. There is no excuse for him being on national television with a missing tooth!!
I am glad he got his grill fixed lol but it was a little crazy of Vickie to do all of that on the show and embarrass him... I think she should have had a little more respect for him than that. But oh well. At least he has new teeth now ha.
Alexis and Jim drove me INSANE this season .... I used to like her, but I think her true colors have come out and now they just drive me crazy ... they both think they are so cute ... and I am just not seeing it ??
What does he have on? ha. can't even handle anything about that. (or his hair!!)
I am so glad Heather came on the show ... I love her and Terry.
I feel like she is down to earth considering she's probably the most wealthy of all the women.
I hope she comes back! Loved watching her!
Gretchen and Slade ...
Still undecided on them ... I like Gretchen, always have, always will ... but Slade I am not sure about?!?1
When he asked the jeweler about the fake diamond in the engagement ring ... hahaha .. oh lordy, I lost any sort of hope in him that I once had. Poor thing. That is ridiculous. Hopefully he will get it together for her.
Tamra ... not my favorite, never has been, but this season she really was a little better since she is with Eddie.
She still is on my nerves sometimes, but I thought their engagement was cute and sweet how he did it.
I think they will be happy together .. they are both kind of the same person I think.
I wonder what Simon thinks about it ??? He scared me!!
Can't wait for the reunion .. you can bet it will be U-G-L-Y!
Pretty Little Liars
Sooooooooooo glad my show is back on!!!! Ahhh!! Love it!!!
I am still confused on who "A" is ... but I guess that's the good part about the show!
Any suspicions??
I am still thinking Jenna has something to do with it all.
So glad it is back on and my Tuesday's feel back to normal :) lol
I have so many shows I could go on and on ... it's pathetic I am well aware of that ... but I like it. Don't judge me please :)
Today the kids wanted to go to Build a Bear since it was too hot to go to the pool ... so that is what we did ... and this picture I took is too funny not to share ...
This is the "close your eyes and make a wish for your bear" part ...
Oh to be a kid again, and really close your eyes, and make a wish and think about it haha
I just thought it was so precious.
Love them. So cute.
TGIF tomorrow!!