Since it's been a while, I thought today would be a great day to bring back some of my faves on Pinterest lately. If you're not already, you can follow me on Pinterest by clicking the link on the right side of the page :)
You need to follow me on Pinterest if you like one or more of the following:
- Interior Design
- Party Planning
- Ecards
(the ones that make you laugh outloud and you re-read over and over!)
- Painting your nails
(I have a seperate board designated to nails ;)
- Cute Fall Outfits
- Planning an outdoor, southern, chic wedding for next Summer ;)
Speaking of cute fall outfits, let's just start with that ...
Casual cute for a comfortable day :)
Dress, Sweater and come cute boots ... can't go wrong!
Ok I have been searching EVERYWHERE for some tan pants like these ... anyone seen any??
Please share!
I have this picture saved on my phone because I want to find a necklace like this one!!
Love this, this is like my uniform in the fall/winter for work attire: Leggings or Skinnies, boots, a flowy shirt and cute sweater, blazer or jacket :) Comfortable enough to work in all day and show houses, and cute enough to look and feel cute :)
I am obsessed with nude things ...
ha get your mind out of the gutter ;)
These are a few of my recent favorites that I LOVE and have been obsessing over
(Chris calls them my superglue lipglosses because they are a litttttle sticky, most guys don't like to kiss sticky lips lol)
MAC cremesheen in Pearl ... my absolute favorite.
MAC Nymphette .. another favorite.
Speaking of nudes and nuetrals ... I ran across this which happen to be all of the best MAC eyeshadows, I think I own 85% of these haha!
On an almost daily basis I wear woodwinked, naked lunch, omega and/or retrospeck. But they are all amazing if you ask me ;)
Onto the nails ...
Ella and Ava make fun of me for saying "I need my nails done" when they aren't chipped, BUT if they start to grow out or not look shiny anymore, I feel like they need painted again.
No, I don't get a manicure every week ... about every 2-3 weeks ... but I do go get my nails polished by my fave nail lady every Friday usually ... best $7 I spend on a weekly basis ;)
Here are a few of my favorites right now ...
Essie "Don't Sweater It"
OPI "Black Cherry Chutney"
OPI "Copper"
OPI "Suzi Loves Cowboys"
That's it for today!
Enjoy your Monday!!