I know people throw around the term "TGIF" ... but good grief this Friday I really am SOO glad it is Friday! I work mostly every day, so Friday's usually mean absolutely nothing to me, but tomorrow for once I actually am taking a day off and plan to clean house, bring out all our Fall decor and then be lazy! :)
OK, now onto what's been going on in my world lately ... let's see ...
1. Selling some houses to some of my awesome clients :)
Congratulations Carla! She got a beautiful home that is absolutely perfect for her! So happy for her :)
My new yard signs are in!
They look awesome! I am super excited about them! Watch out Lexington ... Gentry-Jackson & Associates is going to blow up! Hehe! Hopefully you will see lots of these signs all over town! ;)
2. KY Wildcats Football
Ok, we can be honest .. our football team is not the greatest this year ha. Nothing like KY basketball.
However, we are not fair weathered fans ... so we still represent.
We went to a game and celebrated for Chris's 35th birthday a couple weekends ago! Had a blast.
My family grilled out, we hung out with some friends and watched the game .. it was a good time!
I even got to see my long lost BFF/old assistant, Emily ...
Love her! XO.
My cousin came with us too .. she is so cute!
3. Celebrating Birthdays!
Chris hates that pic, but it was the only one I got with him and his new bday present ...
the big GREEN EGG!
Not really being a grilling person myself, I never understood the hype about these things lol
BUT ... after getting one and eating off of it, I guess I understand now because the food is amazing.
Chris was SO surprised .. the kids and I made a scavenger hunt for him throughout the house and ending in the back yard with the green egg and it was so cute. ;)
We opened cards, went to dinner and had a blast celebrating his special day, as you can see above haha.
Happy Birthday again babe ... xoxoxo! So glad you had a special birthday, you deserve it <3
4. Celebrating my Aunt Cathy's LAST chemo treatment!!
She is such a strong person! This was her at her last chemo treatment last week .. doing the "V" for victory!!
She is a two time Ovarian Cancer survivor .. praise the Lord! She has maintained a positive attitude even when she has felt like absolute crap. She has a major important job for a large spa company and kept working the entire time she was having treatments.
I am so proud of her!!
Love ya Aunt Cak!
5. Cuddling with these sweet boys ...
My sweet Connor and his new baby brother ... freaking love them ... they are so cute.
My BFF, Chrissy, has the sweetest little babies ... if only now she would have one more and it would be a little girl hahahaha kidding kidding, calm down if you're reading this! ;)
6. Meet Maria !!!!!!!!
First of all ... how pretty is she?? So freaking beautiful .. on the inside and out!
This is Maria Gillete ...
and she is the latest member of Gentry-Jackson & Associates!!
Maria just moved here from my favorite place on the planet, NYC, where she has sold real estate in Manhattan for the last few years and killed it there! She filmed for Million Dollar Listing NYC but they went with those other silly boys haha their loss :(
Anywho, Maria is my new Buyer's Agent and I am SOOO excited for her to get started!
She is a total go getter and instantly you want to be her friend the second you meet her!
She is going to be awesome and I feel so blessed to have her working with me!! :)
Ahhhh love her!!
Speaking of work ... check out this sign I scored from my favorite store, Homegoods, for my new office...
7. Walking for a Cure ...
I had promised Ella and Ava we would go down last Saturday and do the breast cancer race for the cure for Susan G Komen foundation ... and even though it was a brisk 40 degrees that morning, we sucked it up, wore 3 layers, and went to support! And I am so glad we did, we had a great time and they were so proud of themselves for walking 3 miles! We jogged the last half mile and they didn't complain one single time ;)
We even had them little Keller Williams shirts for the walk to match our teams ;) It was cute!
Look at those cute little walkers ha! <3
This is me and my friend Stephanie after the walk! :) XO!
8. Winning!!
Woohooooo look what I won yesterday from the nice guys over at Wildcat Moving!!
A signed MKG picture!
We are beginning to have a little miniature UK hall of fame at our house now hahaha
Thanks to the guys for giving this away, I am super excited I won!!
If you are in or around Lexington, KY and know anyone looking for a moving company, they are the BEST!
Wildcat Moving is locally owned and operated ... and they are so to work with. Great prices!
Don't go with a super expensive nationally owned moving company ...
SHOP LOCAL and support someone who works hard to build their company locally ;)
Tomorrow I am blogging about my new favorite thing in the world right now!!
You will want to seeeee!! :)
I gotta go watch Big Blue Madness! #BBN