I played with my babies while taking pics to list their momma & daddy's house this week sometime, anyone looking for a ranch in Hamburg? ha. :)
We fed the baby and observed the usual "milk coma" that he falls into as soon as he eats ha
Then we had York Peppermint Patties and got them all stuck in our teeth (well Connor did at least ha!)
My Orange Leaf obsession is still reallllly bad.
Strawberry White Chocolate is the BEST flavor there is. Period.
Reese Cups and Marshmellows totally seal the deal too.
I enjoyed a nice Saturday ...
around the house, cleaning, doing laundry, grocery, Chris built a fire, I bought the new The Knot in hopes of skimming through the 850 wedding dresses to find one that I like because I STILL have not found a dress :( Then I bought a bag of my favorite Halloween/Fall candy ... Caramel Apple Pops! Love them.
Check out my ad in the newspaper ...
Keller Williams did an awesome ad in the paper to welcome me to the company :)
I thought it turned out pretty nice!
Someone got their Halloween Costume ...
First of all, I let Chris go to Target with me today to get a few things ... BIG mistake people.
Guys are not allowed to be at Target, this should be located on the door when you walk in.
I like to take my time at Target, go in needing two things, leave with an entire buggy of stuff and have no clue what I bought ha. This does not work when your significant other is with you, let me tell you.
We had to hurry through the isles, look at DVD's for far too long, and everything I wanted to buy we didn't "need" haha :(
(which by the way means nothing to me, it all went in the buggy anyway lol)
BUT the worst part is, because he was there, present at Target, he had a say in my baby's Halloween costume this year ... POOR FRANKIE ....
Yes that is Frankie, my sweet little angel, in a SKUNK outfit. Ha. Poor thing :(
That has "My dad picked out this costume and I hate it" written all over it!
I mean he probably is the cutest skunk you have ever seen, lets be honest, but because I felt bad for him ... he also got a pumpkin cookie from The Barkery ;)
Such a little stinker!
no pun intended ha. ;)
I made the best chili evvveerrr...
(All credit has to go to Chris's mom, this is her chili recipe and its freaking awesome. I could make 5 different chili recipes and Chris and the kids would be able to pick out "Mimi's chili" in two seconds. They absolutely love it, now I am hooked too!)
Here's What You Need:
- 1 lb ground hamburger meet
- 1 packet of Chili-O seasoning
- 2 cans of Bush's Chili Beans in Mild/Medium
- 2 cans of Kidney Beans
- 1 large can of diced tomatoes
- Spaghetti noodles
- Fritos and/or mexican shredded cheese (This is optional but makes it really good!)
What To Do:
Cook hamburger meat until it is done or browned, drain the grease, then mix 1 cup of water and the chilio packet with the meat and let is simmer until the water is all soaked up.
Mix the beans and tomatoes (do not drain!) together in a pot and bring to a boil.
Once boiling, pour in the hamburger meat and turn down to low heat and the longer you can let it sit the better, I usually try for 2 hours (per Cathi's directions ha) ... but you HAVE to stir every 10-15 minutes so the bottom doesn't burn, but if you just set your timer you'll be fine!
Once you feel like it's almost ready...
(or you're so hungry you can't wait any longer, which is usually my case)
then boil up a small pot of spaghetti noodles and put a little in your chili bowl, sprinkle with cheese and fritos if you fancy :)
It's done!
And awesome! Hope you love it!!
Lastly ... a super fun link up!

I have done several things so it was really hard for me to choose one for this ... but I think my favorites so far were the little things I made for my matron of honor and then for the kids ...
I knew instantly I wanted to do this for Chrissy, my Matron of Honor, and then do the ring pops for the kids ... so I set out on a project to do them!
I dug through a ton of old pictures of Chrissy and I :) That was the fun part ha seeing what we looked like so long ago (we've been friends for 17 years, wow that sounds old ha!) ... then I found the pink paper at hobby lobby ... the white pen is AMAZING and was sent to me as a gift from this sweet lady over at in My Life I Love You More .. check out her blog if you haven't already ... she's pretty awesome ;) I also picked up a couple of the stickers from Hobby Lobby too. Oh wait, and also the white boxes for the ring pops, and the shredded paper thingys that went in the boxes :) Hobby Lobby is pretty much the best place to go if you need something crafty ha! Love it!
Here is how my Pinterest festivities turned out ... :)
What do you think?
(I kind of think they turned out cuter than the original pins ... not to toot my own horn or anything!)
I have so many other "Pinterest Activities Come to Life" but I will save those for the next link ups!
Hop (ok I guess click is the more appropriate word ;) on over to Katie or Stephanie's blog and link up!
I love this link up! It is so much fun! :)
Great idea ladies!!
PS. Don't forget to follow me on Pinterest by clicking the link on the right sidebar :) I am pinning away from Holiday stuff to wedding stuff galoreee!!