I love everything about Fall .. the clothes, the weather, football, birthdays, just everything!
Until today, I have been too busy to actually enjoy this awesome time of year ... But today was just too pretty outside not to enjoy!
We went to church this morning, ate lunch, I went to open house and then we decided to go to the Pumpkin Patch today at Boyd's Orchard!! I got some awesome pictures ;)
(the sun was in Jake's eyes ha poor thing!)
LOVE this pic!!
So darn cute! :)
Ok now for the funniest picture of Jake I have ever seen ...
Haha I almost peed my pants when he posed like that lol ... sometimes you have to wonder what goes on in his head hahaha?!? He reminds me so much of Chris in this picture, its hysterical. ;)
We had such a fun day! Couldn't have been better!! ... well ... unless Frankie was there :(
Unfortunately he wasn't allowed to go per Boyd's Orchard rules ha but he did get to enjoy the weather for a bit today and he loves when the wind blows in his little sweet beard lol ...
Let's see... a couple of other randoms I have for the week ...
This is my fortune cookie I got last week ... loved it! I never get good ones I feel like, so this was worth keeping and taking a pic of :)
Look at my sweet little baby nephew Henry ... I want to see him SOOO bad but they live in Virginia and I just haven't had time to fly there for a weekend yet :( Love him to pieces though!
Fall TV is my favorite ...
Are ya'll watching Nashville??
I am loving this new show! When I saw the previews I knew it would be good ... and it def is!
Also one of my very favorite's is back on ...
The Good Wife
If you don't watch this show you need to. I love it. I started at the very beginning and watched the seasons on DVD and got completely hooked. It's awesome. But you probably need to start from the beginning or you could be very lost starting now :(
I can't wait to see these ladies back in action ...
Real Housewives of Atlanta
Does anyone notice who is missing?
Where is Sheree?
I can't wait to hear why she is off the show? So weird?
Saving the BEST for last here ...
Countdown ... 2 Days until it is BAccckkkk!!
ahhhhhh can't wait!! I have been counting down the days!
This is Chris's least favorite show that I watch hahaha which makes it even more fun to watch because he literally thinks it's so stupid and that I think I am a teenager for watching ha. He doesn't understand!
Speaking of PLL,
Does anyone notice a resemblance between Toby and Jake?
(I may have shared this before, I can't remember...?)
Jake and I were eating lunch one day and I looked up from taking a bite of my sub and he had his hood pulled up and literally for a mili second I thought he was "A" hahahaha ;)
Too funny.
Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!
Tomorrow I will be back with some Pinterest!! I haven't posted some Pinterest loves in a lonnnggg time!