I had a little work to do...
and then a little free time that I delegated to
Part 1 of getting my life back together!
Do you ever look in the mirror and think "Gosh I don't look like myself??" or is that just me that does that??
(Hope not, or else maybe there is something wrong with me and no one is saying anything ha)
Well the last couple of days I have looked in the mirror and thought that.
Today I came to the conclusion why ... I am PALE, like the palest of pale, which leads to my makeup not looking good, my clothes don't look good, my hair, you name it. White as a freaking ghost. UGH!
So Bad Thing #1 was that I went to the tanning bed today. GASP! I know, I know. It's awful.
I felt bad going, felt bad laying there, and felt bad when I got out. But I just couldn't help it!
I need some color and some UV rays and the spray just wasn't doing it for me! Don't judge. :(
Ok next ...
Bad Thing #2 (unless your name is Chris Jackson ha)
involves this little lady ...
We decided to do a little Valentine's Day shopping this evening.
Dana+Kelly+Shopping = EMPTY WALLET!
Ha. Not a good combo!
I came home with an entire bag of things ... which is currently being hidden in my car ha ;)
And will remain in my car until Valentine's Day <3
Secrets, secrets are no fun ... unless you're the one keeping the secret HA! Sorry babe!
Bad Thing #3 ...
(Unless your name is Rebecca and you own the cutest online shop around!)
I was scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed as my usual nightly routine ... and saw this ...
And thought to myself ... "Dana, you just went to Vicki's ... you don't need to look!"
But who was I kidding?
In less than 3 seconds flat I was on HERE
I have the turquiose and have gotten so many compliments on them, I just love them ...
So tonight I got the royal blue ones to wear to watch my KY CATS play :)
Love them. Can't wait to get them!
This picture is actually the Piko Dress that I wanted so so so bad but I guess I didn't click fast enough because the black was sold out in a milisecond ... so I got the white one for now. Figured it will look cute in the Summer with a tan ... or over a pair of skinnies with my boots now! They are the BEST fabric, soft and comfortable. You could live in these tops!
Which is why I also ordered another Maddie top ... :)
There are a ton of colors!
I got red tonight thought I will wear it for Valentine's Day maybe ?
These are the best and fit so good, not all tight and weird!
This was a bad/good thing I guess lol ;)
If you aren't "Liking" her page on Facebook you are missing out on some super nice and affordable cuteness
Go Check it out Now!
Bad Thing #4
Went to Kroger to pick up a couple of things and somehow these ended up in my buggy...
Already had 3 packs tonight.
A bad thing, a very very bad thing!!
Someone needs to hide them asap.
I did do one good thing today!
I put on some tennis shoes and took Frankie on a walk tonight...
We wanted to enjoy this amazing weather we are experiencing here in good ol' Kentucky! 70 degrees!! Woohoo!
Totally felt like an awesome Spring day.
Totally felt like an awesome Spring day.
I drove with the windows down and everything!
But don't get used to it friends ...
Only in Kentucky is it 70 one day and 31 three days later :(
Alright, I am off to watch Pretty Little Liars that I recorded!