What better thing could you think of to do?
Go sledding ... on real snow ... when it was 48 degrees outside ... and then get in your car and drive away, not on slippery roads with snow everywhere ha!
It was a blast!
Photo Dump ...
They got these snow bibs year before last, for Christmas, and it didn't snow a single flake all winter!
So they finally got to break them in!
She stole my new Free People leopard toboggan, but she looked cute in it so I gave in because I love her:)
So excited!
Isn't it funny to see snow and then a bunch of green grass in the same area? lol it was weird!
Lastly, my personal favorite, that is Chris thinking he can snow board down a big hill, maybe he has been watching a little too much of the X Games ;)
We had so much fun! Can't wait to go back again!
Today I am off to work for a bit then run some errands and get ready for the Bachelor party tonight which is being held at my house with guests including this pretty lady and this pretty lady! :)
I am going to make snacks and dinner while we enjoy Sean and his crazy ladies on the television ... and make our guesses at who will stick around another week!
I wasn't a huge Sean fan in the beginning ... when it was between him and Arie, I was Arie all the way!
But I will say he is growing on me. I love his personality and how kind and giving he is.
And I think he is so sweet with Sarah ...
I like her a lot.
She is super sweet and just a normal girl I feel like!
I wanted to like Tierra ... I really really did.
When she did her interview on the first episode I thought she was so cute and fun!
I will say, after the last episode, she is a little out there... and that is being nice ha.
And I hate to say this, but I am glad to see Kacie B go home ...
I liked her previously, but this year I kinda felt like she was trying too hard and maybe she was just back on there to be on TV ... I didn't like that she had one up on all the other ladies, but hey, that's reality TV for ya!