If you have not heard my favorite song of all time ...
(with the exception of Carrie Underwood's rendition of "How Great Thou Art" of course)
then you need to go listen to it real quick by clicking below ...
Ok now that we have that out of the way ... I will point out a few facts:
1. I am from Bristol VA/TN and lived in Johnson City, TN for a while and lovvve it there
2. The lyrics in the song "but he's a headed west from the Cumberland Gap, to Johnson City, Tennessee" is my favorite line, for obvious reasons.
3. I have always loved this song and play it frequently and now Ella and Ava know every single word and love it, so we blare it and sing super loud which sometimes drives Chris crazy hahaha
This weekend we went back home and took them with us for the first time ... it was an adventure let me tell you!
They got to experience my favorite place to eat on the planet ...
I got some Pal's dollars from my Aunt Cathy too because everyone knows how much I love it there!
We went to the Bristol Motor Speedway
Where the Nascar Races are ... and we drove through the light show, which was supposed to be one of the best in the country and it really was awesome!
We were surprised to see that we actually got to go down on the track and DRIVE around the track ...
You would have thought Chris died and went to heaven ha! It was pretty cool I will admit, even though there was a good chance our car was going to tip over it was SO steep on the track!
We hung out with my Papaw .... SO fun!
We took the kids to his house to play and it was hysterical ...
Ava discovered the "organ" from 1929 haha and literally brought the house down and blared it ;)
My Papaw collects coins ... he has his whole life, like hides them in walls and safes and such ha it's insane ... but Jake saw some on his walls and said
"Ohhh papaw collects money? He must have one THOUSAND dollars!! I want to collect money too"
haha we were cracking up! He was mesmerized by the money.
She was trying to call our phones and kept dialing the wrong numbers ha she said it was WAY too hard to use that kind of phone, lol bless her heart.
We went to my Aunt Cathy's 60th Birthday Party!!
Def doesn't look 60 in my opinion!!
It was a great party, so good to see her!
Papaw was ready to eat ha
We had a great time!
Happy Birthday again Aunt Cathy! xo
Maybe the sweetest part of the trip ...
I got to meet up with my cousin Anna and meet baby Henry!!
Obsessed with him! He is the cutest ever. So cuddly and sweet! I could have held him all night!
And he looked pretty dang handsome in his new UGG boots I got him for Christmas ;)
Ahhh love him!! <3
We had an awesome trip ... it was too short!
Lastly, I went to get my Mamaw's Bible
because I wanted to use it in our wedding for something... and when we were cleaning it out I found this piece of paper with a great little paragraph on it ...
Isn't that good?
I want to hang it up somewhere I will see it every day! Great reminder.
Well, it was a great trip and we had an awesome time!
Can't wait to go back sometime soon!!
Until then, we will just keep listening to Wagon Wheel hahaha
Sorry babe ;)