Does anyone else's fur-child ever sleep like this?
The "back legs stretched out", army crawl look ... my ABSOLUTE favorite thing Frankie does!
So stinkin cute. I want to squeeze his little back feet ha!
Exhibit 2:
Who knew Chris was such an artist with chalk? ha ;)
So sweet ... I walked in the kitchen last night and saw this on the pantry door!!
(I won't tell you what I was going in there for, it may or may not have been a box of chocolate coveried cherries I am obsessed with at Christmas time! Must stop eating them!!)
Love him, so nice and sweet and I just love when he does random little things like this ... not all guys are like that, I am lucky enough to have one that is ;)
Lastly before the real moral of this little post ...
New Year's Pics!
I don't know how I forgot to share these two, but they are too cute not to share!
Right at midnight ... lol ... I think you can even see the confetti on the TV in the background!
WILD at midnight, but so fun and funny! :)
My Facebook card I shared to all my friends :)
Love me some Red Stamp ... if you don't have this app on your phone you should get it ... perfect for creating e-cards that you can share as a photo by email, text, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Super cute!!
You're welcome in advance, you will obsessed!
Engagement Pictures!!
First and foremost, shout out to Alicia @ Aesthetiica for her talented work!
She is awesome, but that's not new news to any of you I am sure! ;)
Ok ... here we go ... total photo dump ...
Love this one! Chris looks so handsome and the lighting is my fave!! <3
Total model and little sweet angel Frankie is ;)
Love the horses in the background of this one, you can barely see them but they were so pretty!
What do you think?? :)
I have GOT to order Save the Date's today but am having a hard time deciding which one?
Which is your favorite?
Can't believe we are getting married in 5 months!