Happy Monday!
Not so happy for me... my computer went BACK to the doctor again today and is staying overnight ughhh
I am having to use Chris's old computer which doesn't have any of my fun stuff saved on it :(
But, I am trying to remain positive that she will be finally better tomorrow.
If not... I am saying screw it and going to the Apple store to buy a MAC ha ;) Merry Christmas to me. Early.
I have a few Pinterest things... random at best again! That's what I love about Pinterest by the way!
Would you die to have this front porch? Obsessed. It's so southern and I love it!
This room makes me happy :)
Brace Yourself...
Ok... #1 that looks like Frankie when he needs a haircut ha... but more like Lucy Belle, my friend Steph's sweet Yorkie girl. #2 is that the funniest thing you've seen? Precious. I love it!
This picture is 100% only here because it reminded me of our crazy cat friend (by crazy I mean good crazy of course ha!) ... Caroline! {I feel like you need this picture girlfriend, if you got like 2 more cats you would be able to DIY at home and I would come help you organize to take their pic hahahaha}
Love this Polyvore! I already have that JCrew tortoise shell bracelet, and the black cardigan, and a very similar scarf...so I think I could pull this together :)
I want these major~ I am having such trouble finding cute boot socks! Must try to find some more!!
Know anywhere that has cute ones???
How cute are these TOMS? Love them!
Now for my inspirational corner LOL :)
This needs to be in a frame, on my desk! Love me some Tarjay!
OK... Christmas Countdown... Mixmas is officially playing on 94.5FM if you are a local Lex friend .. Your're Welcome~ I know I get so excited once they start the 24/7 mixmas Christmas music :) Makes me happy.
48 Days Until Christmas~~ Craziness!!
I stumbled upon this awesome, super fun idea over at Raven's Blog...
Here's the deats...
How fun is that????
Go over and sign up! I can't wait to be a part of this :) You know I love me some Christmas Festivities!!