I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!!
I meant to do a post yesterday I was just absolutely exhausted from cleaning/cooking/setting up for everyone to come over, etc! Preparing for 16 people is no joke! So today I have cleaned a little, took a 2 hour nap (which I haven't done in forever!) and then started taking down Thanksgiving and putting up Christmas! Yay!
On Thanksgiving day we had our families over and had a late lunch/early dinner. My dad, Chris and myself cooked ALL day! And by all day I mean from like 9am until about 4pm! But it was fun!
This was our thought for the day (stolen from Pinterest of course!)
"Big Kid" Table
Got all the cute coloring Printables from Pinterest... A coloring turkey and then a two page sooo cute worksheet where you check off all the different, fun things they were thankful for :)
Having fun at their kid's table! :) Coloring away!
(PS how cute is that crayon holder in the middle? $3 at Hobby Lobby! Love it! The placemats were just foam with stick on foam letters from Hobby Lobby too, I think they were like .89 no lie!)
I was blessed enough to get to enjoy another small birthday celebration after we ate ... from Chris's parents :) and some awesome bday/thanksgiving themed cupcakes Chris ordered for me from Confused Confections, my fave!
How cute is this bracelet arm candy? ;)
Super cute shoes! Loved them!
(Sorry gross pics, taken by a 9 yr old on an iPod touch lol)
This AWESOME new Michael Buble Christmas CD! :) Love him and love this CD! It's awesome if you haven't gotten it yet... all the songs are good, but I wouldn't expect anything less from Michael ha!
Some more goodies too but didn't get pics. So sweet! Loved them all, thank you so much Cathi! :)
Somebody ate a little too much turkey (and 3 mini Reese Cups! little stinker) and contracted tryptophan I believe...
Fell asleep with his head up!! He was nodding in and out of conscience it was hysterical!
After we ate I went through the newspaper ads and decided to go pick up my cousin and go Black Friday shopping! Wow. It.was.crazy! Walmart and Target were insane! We were out until almost 4am and I got a TON of my Christmas shopping done! I was so proud! Normally it's not worth it for me to stand in line for 2 hours to save $30, but this year it was kinda fun with Kenzy and we ended up getting some really good deals! Take a look at Wally World in case you didn't make it out...
Madness! Total Madness!
Ok this is random... but last year I was less than impressed that our whole house was so cute with Christmas decor and everything was like holiday central... EXCEPT our sofa pillows totally clashed with my stockings and such! :(
Normal everyday pillows
So this year I decided to switch them out :) Keep a few, replace a few, and that was everything would be matchy matchy (Chris hates when I say that hahaha so I threw it in just for you babe!) and also go with the holiday theme! Tonight I busted them out... what do you think?
Holiday Pillows
MUCH more Christmas friendly ;)
Ok, Ok, I know you will ask... because it is so cute.... the FAITH pillow is from my fave place,
HOUSE by JSD in Lexington down. They have a facebook page and blog... and the cutest stuff in the entire world! You can order these burlap pillows to be monogrammed with anything! But these Christmas ones were already made up and ready to sell, and I love them!! Only $39.99!! It is hard to tell but the letters are felt actually hand stitched on the burlap. Super Cute!
Ok well tomorrow, Saturday, (today actually, I can't believe I am up at 2am!) is my BIRTHDAY!
WOooHooo! :)
So my birthweek will be coming to an end... BUT we are going to the UK vs UT football game and then have some other bday festivities to celebrate the big 2-8! ha.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!