Am I the only one who feels like it was JUST the weekend and now it's Wednesday already?
Good grief!
I have a cute recap post for today but before I get to that ... I saw a fun post over at Melanie's blog and I thought I would link up and participate in this little ditty of a Q&A ... I always love when other bloggers do these so we can learn more about each other!
So here goes ...
... you'll find in my purse
1. Cell Phone (who are we kidding, it's usually in my hand ha)
2. MAC Lipgloss
3. 18 different pens & highlighters
4. Gum
... you'll find in my bedroom
1. Trash magazines
2. My iPad
3. Blue Tub of Blistex
4. 80 pillows (we have so many pillows for some reason?!)
5. Frankie ;)
... I've always wanted to do
1. Get another tattoo
2. Stay in one of those little huts on vacation on an island somewhere
3. Get Frankie a sister ;)
4. Go to the Country Music Awards in Nashville
5. Meet Dolly Parton
... I'm currently loving
1. Cadburry Eggs
2. Knot top buns on the top of my head, ha
3. Wedding planning
4. Making secret Valentine's Day Plans ;)
5. The warmer weather and sunshine!
... quirks I have
1. I pick my cuticles majorly
2. I have OCD ha (is that a quirk or an illness?)
3. It takes me 10 minutes to put on mascara in the morning b/c I mix three different kinds, but I would never leave home without it ha
4. There are only 4 people on the planet I will trust to leave Frankie with when I am gone.
5. People that always want to have a pity party and play the "poor me" card literally drive me INSANE
Wasn't that fun? :)
Link up or message me if you decide to do this so I can check yours out too!
Thanks Melanie for the idea!! XO
OK here is a recap of my week, besides the fact I have worked 11-12 hour days the past 3 days!
Kim turned the BIG 3-0!
One of my best friends, Kim, celebrated her 30th birthday this past weekend ...
hahaha I couldn't resist getting those glasses!
Kelly made her a "30 Blows" bucket ha ... cute idea!
Frankie could never forget her birthday ;) Don't you worry!
PS. Doesn't that card look just like him?
THIS is the card he gave her last year ... haha
I found the PERFECT gift for her ... and picked one up for myself too haha
Thirty Things Every Woman Should Have and Should Know by the time she's 30!
Can't wait to start reading this!
Interested to see how we're doing on the list ha!
We celebrated Kim's bday at dinner and watching the CATS play a little ball!
Then we celebrated a little more and had a super fun night!
Happy Birthday Kim!
Glad you had a fun weekend! Love you bunches!!
New on the Wedding front ...
Nothing crazy new with the wedding, just typical planning, but I did find the flower girl dresses ...
How adorable are these??
Love them. They are precious and perfect. Period. Ordered. Ha.
Need some Valentine's Day Ideas?
I am going to do a seperare Vday post in the next few days with some good ideas of gifts, etc.
But I wanted to share with you now the shirt I will probably be wearing that day ...
I got my favorite package in the mail this week!
Love me some Kikilarue packages in the mail!!
Above is the Maddie top in a small, color red.
(it's honestly a little too big on me but I wanted it so bad I forced it ha, they run a size bigger IMO)
Super comfortable and the perfect Valentine's Day shirt!!
Looking for a Valentine's Day card idea for your family?
Look no further ...
This was our card last Vday ... and I LOVED it, it was my fave. So cute!
Last tip of advice for Valentine's Day ...
Don't buy your sweet treat from Kroger on Tates Creek in Lex hahaha
Apparently the cake decorator doesn't know how to spell!
Especially the words "beauty" and "friend"
Bless their heart! hahahaha I have never laughed so hard, in public, by myself, as I did when I took this pic.
just because this made me LOL today also ...
That's it for today friends!