We had a busy, packed weekend, that's for sure!
Just call me Picaso ...
My girlfriends and I had planned on going this weekend to a painting class at Painting with a Twist
for ...
wait for it ...
Paint Your Pet Night!!
You know if it involves Frankie I am automatically signed up haha.
We emailed a picture of our pet earlier in the week and they sketched it on the canvas
This is the pic I emailed of my sweet angel
I had so much fun painting!!
My friends, Kim and Kelly, painting their furbabies also :)
And look how he turned out .. pretty good for my first time if I do say so myself ;)
Kind of blurry, but all of us with our masterpieces!

And currently it is sitting in the middle of our Dining Room table until I have it framed and hang it up somewhere (or give it to Chris for Valentine's Day if he is extra good this week hahahaha)
SO fun!
If you have one near you I would def recommend grabbing some girlfriends and going!
We will for sure be going back another time!
New Listing
I listed a great house this weekend ... and hired a professional photographer for the first time to take pics of the house and boy oh boy what a difference it made! I will never take pics again ... my sellers now have an even better advantage over their competition and future sellers have another reason to list with me :)
Check out the pic!Those are just a few of the pics, but how great did they turn out? Love them!
Taking more tomorrow for another new listing ;)
If you are looking for a new home in Lexington, KY and want info on the above house click HERE!
Chris took Ella and Ava to our church's Father/Daughter dance this weekend and they had an awesome time!! I will post pics on that tomorrow because I haven't uploaded them yet, but here is a sneak peak ha
They are adorable and the girls looked so beautiful! <3
I am so glad they got to go and celebrate their relationship with their Daddy.
They say the most important relationship a female will ever has is the one she has with her father as a child. They are lucky to have an amazing father like Chris ;)
Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!!
It's almost Valentine's Day!
What is everyone doing?