(In my best NeNe Leakes Voice ha!)
Woohoo! SOLD in 5 Days! That's right ... not even a week on the market!
So excited!
Love when people price their house right and do the things I suggest before listing ... this is what happens :)
Now I have another awesome house I just listed this weekend to show you ... because the pics are amazing!
Gentry-Jackson & Associates is on a roll ;)
So blessed.
4,000 sq ft up like new space loaded with upgrades!
Isn't that so nice?
And the theater room is awesome! Just an added bonus, oh and a hot tub too!
If you are in Lexington KY and looking for a new home and would like more information click HERE!
Saw this on Pinterest.
Loved it. Perfect for Valentine's Day.
Frankie sent out his Valentine to all his peeps ;)
I made a little eCard for Chris and shared on his Fbook page early that morning so he would see it when he checked it that morning ;)
We cooked dinner and played games and opened Vday presents and just had a super fun night!
We opened a few Valentine's presents :)
And we got some wax lips hahaha
Silly girls ;)
Pics from Her Knight Dance
I had been wanting to share a couple of pics from the Father/Daughter Dance at our church that Chris took the girls too last weekend ... I just love that they went and they had so much fun...
they will remember that first dance for the rest of their lives :)
I had so much fun getting them all dolled up before their big night!
That is a memory that I will remember the rest of my life ;)
Sooo cute! :)
They had this at the Keene Barn in Keeneland and it looked from the pics that Chris took that it was just so much fun and such a blessing to be at. :)
So I tried to find a picture of me and good ole' Dan (my dad ha) just while I was uploading these pics of Chris and the girls .. and I found this little beauty to share with yall ....
Brace yourself ha
I mean I laugh outloud every single time I look at this .. .because my dad looked ridiculous.
I mean what in the world was with the stach and the hair? hahaha too much for me to handle.
I don't think I was in a smiling mood that day, probably because my mom cut those bangs!! Ha!
But my outfit was pretty cute ... I can spot a cute outfit a mile away ;)
Well, now that you got a good laugh ...
Let me brighten your day even more ..
with a GIVE AWAY!!!
A friend of mine has started an online boutique, BELLATIQUE ... and I am already obsessed!
You know I love me some online Boutiques!!
The even better news?
Guess who got a shirt named after them??
Little ole' me ...
Let me introduce to you The RealDana Top ... sooo cute and comfy!
Mint ... perfect for Spring
and Black ... a staple for your closet! Must have.
The RealDana Top is only $25!! Comes in S, M and L ... runs a smidge big so I would size down.
Check out some of her cute jewlery too ...
Charming Necklace, love this.
Wanna hear the great news?
Bellatique has agreed to give away a ...
RealDana Top (mint or black) and a Charming Necklace!!
Here are the giveaway rules:
a Rafflecopter giveawayGood Luck Ladies!
You will LIVE in this top ... it is so comfy!
Have a great week!