I swear yesterday and today I worked 11 hour days both days, so exhausted!
I didn't even know today was Friday until around 10am today! All my days have just run together this week!
With it being February 1st ... before I get started with today's post I wanted to share something I saw on Pinterest that Chris and I actually did for the kids last year ...
I think I shared this last year ... but starting on the first day of February and going until Valentine's Day, I had cut out all different color hearts on just card stock paper from Hobby Lobby, and each day we wrote each of the kids a little note or kind words, and taped it to their bedroom door! Some days Chris wrote one, some days I wrote them ... we took turns and wrote individual things we love about the kids. They loved reading them :) and we loved writing them.
So thought I would pass along for ya'll also!
Don't have kids?
Do some for your husband, or boyfriend!!!
Who am I kidding, I would do them for Frankie if he could read ha
Love his sweet face <3
Ok, so last night was the FIFTH TIME that someone said I look like an actress that I had never even heard of before who I have now of course googled and looked at all her pictures.
Have you heard of Brittany Snow?
Last week when I was at TJ Maxx I was checking out and these people were staring at me majorly ... to the point I was like do I have something on my face? Did I accidentally knock something over? Are they readers of the blog and think I look familiar? Or the worst ... did I sell them a house and forget who they are (my worst nightmare ha)???? No .. the answer was none of those. As I walk out the door they come up to me and say "Are you an actress?" to which I am trying to not laugh in their face, because let's face it, an actress I am most definitely not ha. I of course said no, and they said "We thought you were Brittany Snow, the actress!"
I was so busy I didn't even think twice about it. Just smiled and said "Oh ok thank you I guess!" lol ???
A couple more people mentioned it and I ignored it.
Yesterday I was getting my hair done and another sweet girl said it as soon as I walked in ... "You look just like Brittany Snow, oh my gosh!" ...
Then last night, I put a pic on Instgram and someone said it AGAIN!
So enough is enough...
Ok ya'll ... so who the H is Brittany Snow?
She is 26 years old (I am 3 years her elder ha) ... 5'4" ... I am 5'3" on a good day lol ...
She's been in several movies, sadly to say none of which I think I have seen but I am not a huge movie guru so that doens't mean a thing!
What do you think?
I mean I guess I can kinda see a resemblance ... ha when I look at our pictures side by side of course.
Chris says he kinda sees it...
Kelly, my BFF,
says she sees it a little but not really hahaha... she is just so sweet she says she sees more Blake Lively which I think is the most hysterical thing I have ever heard ... love you Kel lol ;) <3
I will take it as a compliment because regardless of if little miss Brittany and I look alike, I do think she is gorgeous and hope to look as pretty as she does! :) True story.
That's all I've got for today friends!
Busy day again tomorrow but hoping to finish a little early so I can get some things done around our house.
This 9 degree weather, I told you it was coming :( is really cramping my style ... showing houses in the freezing cold is no fun, take my word for it!
Have a great weekend!!