So I have been trying to spend a little time looking at some other lovely blogs and following people who follow me and I stumbled across this pretty lady's little bloggy...
Meet Jordan...
Her blog, Things that Make Me Me! is adorable!
3 Reasons why you should go and follow her blog:
#3 ... She is linking up and doing Pinteresting Mondays and has some super cute pinning going on!
#2 She's preggo!! That's a reason by itself ha.
AND... Drumroll Please...
#1 ... You won't believe this BUT...
I know! Can you believe that?? Craziest thing ever! Small world for Frankies :) ha!
She did a post about 28 Random Things About Me.... so I have jumped on the band wagon...
Link up if you do the same so I can read yours too!! Here we go...
28 Random Things About Me... :)
1. Do you have any pets? I think we ALL know the answer to this... but just in case you're a newbie and need a refresher... meet my sweet little angel Frankie ....
(Yes, he has a scarf of hahaha!)
2. What color top are you wearing? white Polo sweatshirt
3. Name 3 things that are physically close to you. TV remote, cell phone, glass of ice water
4. What's the weather like right now? believe it or not, even though it's January, it was 63 degrees today! A little cooler now (it's 11pm), but hey we do live in KY so what do you expect ha?
5. Do you drive? If so have you crashed? Yes, and not in a lonnng time (knock on wood!)
6. What time did you wake up this morning? 8:30am
7. When was the last time you showered? last night (cleaned all day today and took down Christmas stuff, had a grungy day ha!)
8. What was the last movie you saw? The Help! So good! Loved it!
9. What does your last text message say? From my friend Whitney about going to work out in the morning and that we will try to make it lol
10. What's your ringtone? Standard iPhone ringtone ... same one everyone has I think!! I hear it everywhere I go
11. Have you ever been to a different country? I've been to Jamaica once
12. Do you like sushi? LOVVVVEEE Sushi!
13. Where do you buy your groceries from? Kroger & The Fresh Market
14. Have you ever taken medication to help you fall asleep faster? Def not. I am out when my head hits the pillow.
15. How many siblings do you have? Just one... my little brother Chris (well not little anymore, he is 21 now and like a grown up!)
16. Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop? Both.
17. How old will you be turning on your next birthday? 29 (almost the big 3-0!)
18. How did your parents pick your name? I actually have noo idea... will have to ask them now!
19. Do you wear contacts or glasses? Nope! Blessed to have good vision.
20. Do you color your hair? duh, for sure. I am OCD about it. Love me some highlights.
21. Tell me something you are planning to do today. Well it's late so I am about to go to bed, but in the morning I plan on going to Barre class!
22. When was the last time you cried? On Wednesday when I dropped Frankie off to have surgery (I know, I know, I'm a sap when it comes to his little sweet face!)
23. What is your perfect pizza topping? sausage and banana peppers
24. What is your favorite radio station? K-Love and 98.1
25. Which do you prefer-hamburgers or cheeseburgers? cheeseburgers but I don't eat the buns
26. Have you ever had an all-nighter? Yes but not in a while haha!
27. What is your eye color? Blue
28. Can you taste the difference between pepsi and coke? I don't drink soda, but when I used to a long time ago I always drank Coke, never Pepsi for some reason ?
Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!!