Hello friends!
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
This was a fun weekend for us, I worked a little, we visited Chris's new baby nephew ....
How cute is he? Love him! SO sweet!
(This pic I made with the Red Stamp app on my iPhone, it's awesome!)
Then we put a little Pinterest to use for Jake and had a BLAST ... take a look... if you have a small boy in your fam you need to try to do this!! It was so easy!
Jake put on his Spiderman outfit for a little extra emphasis LOL ;)
We actually did the entire hallway upstairs so that the girls could do it too down their side of the hallway lol. Just red yarn for the "lasers" and then tape them to the wall with duct tape (both from Hobby Lobby) and then they can crawl through and under and over!! I will admit I got stuck a few times ha, would like to say it was my pony tail... buttttt my backside got stuck a few times too ha! :(
I saw this cute frame on Pinterest too and decided to make them for Chris's sister to take to give her when we went to see Baby Birch :) Such a cute idea!
I just made them on Publisher and then stuck them in frames from Hobby Lobby (50% off now!) and then thought she could put them in their rooms or hang up or whatever :)
I am obsessed with our new warm headbands that I got for me, Ella and Ava... they are super cozy and very chic too if I do say so myself ;)
Model Pic...
I got them from a local Lex friend of mine who does awesome monogramming and I think I have blogged about her before... but you can find her on Facebook HERE and see the link to the headbands and all the other goodies she has (she also did the bib Frankie was modeling in HERE)! LOL
My new shoes came in and I am obsessed with them... not only are they HOT ass pink which I love, they are really comfortable and I am excited to run in them today for the first time :)
I got lots of compliments on them over the weekend... but the best were Ava's 7 yr old BFF and then their cousin who is 4 yrs old lol and then my cousin who is 5yrs old ha. So they seem to be a hit with the younger ladies... must be the pink!
Ordered from Finishline.com they have tons of colors and FREE Shipping!
Now for some Pinterest!! My fave day of the week... and my favorite hobby, PINNING!
Things I am obsessed with..
This bag...
This lace shirt... love it!
Ok basically everything about the pic below.. her hair.. her jacket... and her LV dog carrier! Ha!
And of course these Yorkie cupcakes... dying over them!
For the house...
I know a million people have pinned this but this fridge is literally the most amazing thing I have ever seen, what would you do to have a fridge like this? ha!
I love this below.. zebra chairs with the hot pink pillows, and the elephant pic. Looks so good!
This office is great with the chalk board wall... and I love the way it looks, however, sometimes she messy chalk looks makes my OCD really bad so not sure I could handle it every day ;)
Since Valentine's Day is creeping up here are some ideas I have found ...
"All About You Basket" so cute, kind of like a stocking I think.. and you know I love stockings!! :)
Cell phone Valentines ha very clever. Ella is wanting to make these for her friends, they look semi easy and we found the candy buttons last night at Cracker Barrel :)
For the healthy people :) Apples and Oranges for V-Day! Free Printable Stickers to just stick right on!
For all my preggo friends.. this is an adorable idea!
Would be so easy just get a cute chalkboard, or have someone paint one for ya! Love this.
Now, because everyone needs a good laugh on Mondays... :) These are for you!
Hahahahahahahhahaha! Dressed up for Wal Mart literally can't handle that!
This is so me, and I think it is hysterical!
And I can.not.wait. to see this movie....
HAHAHAHAHA! Just sayin' people, just sayin' ... do love me some Channing Tatum!
(sorry babe! ;)
Happy Monday Ladies!