Hello Friends!
This has been a crazy week... let me start with the fact that I am a tad depressed... the Santa header and Christmas music is officially gone (doens't it seem a little blah now?) and next is tackling taking down my Christmas decor still up in my house, tomorrow! I dread taking everything down, but am ready to get the house back in tip top shape and clean!!
Secondly, I have not had time to blog about it this week just with everything going on, BUT...
my baby had surgery yesterday...
This was him on the way to surgery yesterday morning :( So Sad!
(Note: Of course I packed his bed, his fave toys, two blankies, and his "sleeping bag" which is his most favorite thing to lay on ha!)
For the last couple of months he has been pee-peeing ALL over the place, like little pees here and there, just everywhere! He pees outside, then comes in and pees 15 minutes later. I had been getting after him thinking he was just being mad or something. I decided to take him to his Dr. this past Saturday because I thought maybe he was getting a UTI or something? They did tests and found no infection... then decided to do an Xray and found (gasp!) not 1, but 4 kidney stones!! :(
Long story short, two of them were really bad.... they are called Calcium Oxide crystal stone that look like this... Brace Yourself ha!
Ugh.. doesn't that just look painful?
Don't worry, if you're thinking you would like to see the real thing, you just might get to haha!
When I spoke to his doctor yesterday after surgery he said he saved them for me...
Gee, thanks! Just what I wanted... bahahaha
And just because I know you are DYING to know the deets ;)
Here is the pic... A little graphic... no kids haha
LOL don't you have a good visual now?
Two stones, one in the bladder and one in the urethra ... poor poor baby.... he will have stitches all up his little belly and privates :( So Sad!
The surgery went well!
(thanks to all my Fbook friends and your prayers!)
He will be staying there and in recovery for about 4-5 days... I miss him so much, I woke up a million times last night looking for him ha. (Crazy dog mom, fine, whatever, I know!) :)
In conclusion... do any of you lovelies need to buy a house? I will need a sale to pay for this little trip to the O.R. hahahaha jk, but in real life, little sick Frankie is NOT cheap let me just tell you!
Please keep him in your little prayers until he is safe and healed and home :) Thank you! XO
Ok Ok...onto something a little more entertaining & a little less graphic you say?...
Sure thing!
My latest obsession from Marley Lilly ....
That pic is from their facebook page... I saw it last night and died. Love those!
The best part.. they are only $49.99! Say Wha??? Yea that's what I said.
That pic is with chocolate thread color, the white is cute too, but I went with the chocolate.
I also FINALLLY ordered a cell phone case for my new iPhone 4S :)
There were wayyy too many choices for me, but I opted for one that is bright and happy (will be cute in the Summer and cheer me up in the yucky Winter ha!)
This is the one I ordered... can't wait to get it... can't believe I've gone this long without a case and my phone hasn't broken (knock on wood)!
Can't wait for my order to come in!! :)
Off to a closing for some wonderful clients!!
Have a great Thursday!
PS... Need your bloggy help... I have lots of good clothes and accessories I am needing to clear out of my closet.. and am thinking of doing a sale on my blog??? Has anyone done this ... had luck ... hated it? Loved it? Do people buy from other people on blogs? I have seen some before and wondering if I should try? Suggestions PLEASE!!